I was at the office the other day and a co-worker of mine, Chris, asked me that very question. “Why do you hate GMOs so much? You’re not typically one of those anti-science wackos”. Continue reading “Why do you hate GMOs so much?”
What’s a chicken tractor?
Do the chickens drive the tractor?
That’s just one of the questions that we’ve been asked about our “chicken tractors” that led us to write this post and describe them a bit more. Continue reading “What’s a chicken tractor?”
Why farm?
Huh? You’re a farmer?
That’s the question that I get asked at least once a week by people that I meet, by colleges at work and vendors or suppliers, and even by my family. It’s something that leads to good conversation and a chance to explain some of the things that are broken with the large-scale conventional food system. Continue reading “Why farm?”
It’s almost time…

It’s nearly Thanksgiving and the turkeys are huge!
Take a look at the tom in this picture. I’m not sure what he’s going to weigh once he’s processed, but he looks huge to me. Hopefully it’s not just all feathers.