Antibiotics: Food for thought

I was listening to one of my favorite podcasts the other day and interviewed a doctor about his latest book. It was a good interview and one point he mentioned stuck with me.

80% of the antibiotics produced are used on animals, not humans. Let that sink in for a minute… 80%.

I decided to look into it a bit more and found out a bit more about it. The information is a bit conflicting, but it generally originates from the U.S. FDA, you know- the Food and Drug Administration, the people who have a lot to say about both food and drugs.

They are quick to point out that their information doesn’t say that 80% of drugs are for animal use, just that up to 80% of the drugs purchased are purchased for animals. I’m not the brightest guy, but why would you purchase something for an animal if you didn’t intend to use it on an animal? That just seems like a pretty strange distinction to make. It seems like a bunch of BS if you ask me… It seems like people didn’t like that statistic and now they’re trying to back-track and talk their way out of it.

We decided a long time ago that we’re not going to do things the conventional way… Even if that way is cheaper and is easier. We’re going to do things a better way, Our Way.

What does that mean for food that you purchase from us? It’s simple- it means that those animals don’t receive any antibiotics. They don’t receive vaccinations. They don’t receive hormones. They don’t receive GMO feed. You’re getting chicken, or turkey, and nothing else…

If you’re ready to eat wholesome, good, clean food- please reach out to us. We’d love to supply you and your family with ‘real’ food from real farmers.


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