The aquaponics system continues to grow produce for us. Right now, we’ve got squash, zucchini, and tomatoes in full bloom.

Building a legacy rooted in respect for the earth, family traditions, and shared knowledge
The aquaponics system continues to grow produce for us. Right now, we’ve got squash, zucchini, and tomatoes in full bloom.
We planted some turmeric and some ginger into the aquaponics system and both are thriving. I wasn’t sure how it would do in the constant flood and drain cycle, but its taken off and producing like crazy.
The aquaponics system is in full swing right now and is producing a ton of produce. The basil is going wild, green onions are thriving, bell peppers are starting to mature, and the comfrey is doing great. The mint is busting at the seams and overflowing the bed. There’s plenty of nutrient courtesy of the fish so everything is nice and green!
The carrots did fantastic in the aquaponics system. While they’re a bit ugly looking, they turned out huge!
Over the last few days, the girls have been learning about plants, vegetables, and what the different parts of them are. They wrote out a little story, drew some pictures, and today we concluded with going into the aquaponics garden and harvesting the potatoes.
Continue reading “Potatoes: a homeschooling lesson”The aquaponics system is working well and the garden is in full swing. The bell peppers have put on fruit, the potatoes are putting out a ton of greens, and the tomatoes are giving us handfuls of tomatoes each day.
The tomato plants are doing great in the aquaponic dutch buckets. They’re putting on fruit and before long, we’ll have fresh tomatoes! I’ve been hard pruning them so that they stay in an aggressive fruiting mode.
The aquaponics experiment here on the farm is going well.
Continue reading “The garden plants are still alive, for now. “Over the past few months we’ve done quite a bit of research online and really like the idea of aquaponics.
Continue reading “We’re trying our hand at aquaponics”