I’ll admit, the title of the article is a bit of click-bait. COVID-19 has no effects on poultry, well at least not directly.
Continue reading “COVID-19 leading to smaller turkeys”Delicious Turkey Photos
We wanted to take a moment to share some of the delicious turkey photos that we received.
Some families smoked their turkeys, some roasted them in the oven, a few even deep-fried them. Some families brined them, others injected them with marinades or sauces. Continue reading “Delicious Turkey Photos”
Thanksgiving: A mix of emotions
As Thanksgiving approaches each year, it’s always a mix of emotions on the farm. We’re incredibly thankful to live a great life, and for everything that we have. We are thankful for our health, our friends, our family, and our customers.
But we’re also a bit sad. Continue reading “Thanksgiving: A mix of emotions”
It’s almost time…

It’s nearly Thanksgiving and the turkeys are huge!
Take a look at the tom in this picture. I’m not sure what he’s going to weigh once he’s processed, but he looks huge to me. Hopefully it’s not just all feathers.