The pig pen is coming along nicely. The ground has been scraped and the form is in place and ready for the concrete flooring. Most, but not all, of the posts are in place.
In the end, there will be seven pens. One is a double-sized stall so that mama pigs will have plenty of room with their baby pigs. Should we decide that we want to have eight pens the same size, we built it so that the only modification needed is to throw up a divider wall. Easy, peasy.
The pen will have a metal roof and a hallway or aisle on the front side so that we can move pigs from one pen to another. It also serves as a second layer of protection in case anyone decides to escape.
I’ll wire in lights as well as plumb in a few hose bibs for easy cleanup.
We chose to go ahead and place them in their appropriate spots and concrete them into the ground. It will make it a lot more difficult to screed the concrete by forcing us to work around 32 posts, but I didn’t want to try and level that number of posts while dealing with spreading and screeding concrete. This way, they’ll all be in the proper spot, at the proper angle, and will be super strong once poured in place.